Taking Action Against Breast Cancer on ABC Action News by Linda Hurtado

      Im assuming Linda would want you all to know about this so Im passing this on.


      HI Ladies

      Starting Monday I will be kicking off a month long series called Taking Action Against Breast Cancer on ABC Action News at 5. October is breast cancer awareness month and as the health reporter I feel the need to remind women the importance of taking care of themselves. I also lost my mother to breast cancer. She never lived to meet my children. It still breaks my heart today. I hope you all will watch if you can. You can always catch my stories on

      There's a video story posted on the site tonight on my mother's journey.

      My other stories will start posting tomorrow. Including the story of a woman who had both healthy breasts, her uterus and both ovaries removed because she tested positive for the BCRA gene. Another woman had no insurance so she didn't get a mammogram for four years. By the time she felt the lump she had stage 2 breast cancer and no way to pay for a mastectomy. We followed her as she searched for a surgeon willing to save
      her life for free.

      Please share with me any ideas or other stories. As always I appreciate your feedback and your help by visiting the site.

      Hope everyone is well and if you haven't had your mammogram this year - go get one. For me. :-) If you can't afford one, email me off line and I'll share with you where you can get one, if you qualify, for free.

      Linda Hurtado


  1. Thanks for sharing - this is important!

  2. Agree, very important. In fact it's that time of the year for me. My annual mammogram comes around in October. Ladies, do your breast self-exams, and make sure your men do their testicular self exams!


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