#writing Wondering aloud...Who am I and Where am I going? If You Know Please Comment!

I guess with the new year under way and my birthday approaching tomorrow, a "to do" list is in order. But how can I set my priorities without thoroughly evaluating the past and what I anticipate for the future. I don't know about you, but I'm quick to evaluate others' advice. Maybe it fills me with doubt about my own opinions; so what I need is better data.

This year I'm thinking about setting myself a more structured schedule. I seem to be busy every hour of the day but only am productive when under a deadline. With a schedule, I believe that will be the incentive I need--a constant deadline.

Writers, don't you wonder how to get your books noticed? The first rule of writing is write the next book--make it better than the last. (As if I'm trying to write a bad book--rolls eyes).

The next thing I hear is have a social media presence...but NOT too much. Get on FB, tweet on Twitter, interact on Linkedin, now there's Google+ and tsu, and more (whatever...).

I want to write the next book and I want to make it better than anything I've ever written. Perhaps that's putting too much pressure on myself, but I can't seem to stop myself from evaluating each new idea and wondering if I can live up to the concept.

I read a blog recently that had the marketing pie cut up to help the writer organize time. I believe the largest percentage should be devoted to actually writing. But the blog Brooke Warner wrote, broke down YOUR AUTHOR PLATFORM in a very realistic way. I suggest you read her opinion and see if it makes more sense about how you can survive in the competitive writing field. I hope it helps because between self publishing and e-publishing, social networking is bedlam with all the vast numbers of books to contend with. I don't mind hard work, but I want an even playing field, and since there isn't one at present, it's time to even it out. If you have  suggestions, please, I welcome them.

I'll check back in with you when I have a more concrete plan.

Eliza March is multi-published with three publishers and writes everything from sexy to erotic romance--contemporary to paranormal genres.



  1. Happy early Birthday! Good luck in getting a structured schedule- it seems as if there are never enough hours in the day.

  2. Can't wait to hear your plan and have a happy birthday.

  3. Happy belated birthday! I probably give too much time to social media.


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