Title: Hot Shade
Author: Tamara Lush
Publisher: Boroughs Publishing Group
Genre: Romantic Suspense
Release Date: September 30, 2015
Journalist Skylar Shaw covers a plane crash on a Florida beach that leads her to a handsome yet mysterious Italian man...and the conspiracy that threatens all he holds dear.
Romance is the last thing on reporter Skylar Shaw's mind when she covers a plane crash on a Florida beach. Her best source could be a mysterious Italian man, but he's strictly off the record—unless it involves indulging their electrifying attraction to each other. Little does Skylar know, but that crash is only the beginning.
Luca Rossi is hiding a big secret: He's a journalist, too, and his anonymous exposé on the Mafia destroyed his world. Now, after two lonely years on the run, he will do anything to possess this vulnerable American beauty. But Skylar is as relentless as the Florida glare, and the situation ignites when she reports on a gruesome murder in a swamp. Soon erotic nights will bleed into dangerous days, and nowhere will be safe from the heat.
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Boroughs Publishing Group: http://bit.ly/1ZkBhlK
She had come here on business. To ask him about the plane crash. To be a journalist. She had promised herself that when she came to Palmira she would start fresh and respect herself more, at least where men were concerned. That’s what her mother would have wanted, and God knew her mom would have been horrified if she’d been alive to see how Skylar allowed James to steamroll her confidence. Then again, Mom would probably also have been appalled by Skylar half-naked in a pool, lusting after a guy she’d just met.
“It’s interesting. Like I said earlier, one of the paramedics told me that the man who saved the injured guy on the beach had a tattoo on his arm.”
“Imagine that.”
Luca’s eyes met hers, and she couldn’t read his expression. She tipped her head, and her wet hair spilled toward one shoulder. “Were you the one who helped the victim?”
Skylar’s heart pounded when he smiled. He was so beautiful that it was unsettling, and the look on his face showed obvious confidence and desire. With previous dates—even the first time she was with James—she’d always had a running commentary in her mind: When will he kiss me? Now? Later? Ever? Tonight there was no guessing.
He reached through the water and wrapped his fingers around her wrist, gently guiding her hand to his shoulder. She automatically drifted toward him, clasping her other hand at his nape.
She was so close that her breasts brushed his chest. His hands lightly cupped her jaw and neck, while her legs and arms and everywhere in between tingled from his touch.
His mouth hovered over hers, and Skylar was acutely aware of his smooth face, his searching eyes, his scorching fingertips on her skin. His soft mouth met her lips, tentative and gentle at first. He tasted like the wine, crisp and cool and new, and Skylar’s lips instantly flared with heat. It was as if the shimmering blue light in the pool had entered her body and pulsed through her.
Luca pulled back and caught his breath, as if the kiss had taken him by surprise, then again pressed against her. The second assault, too, was shockingly sensual. It slammed into Skylar, defeated all her defenses. Almost.
She shifted her head away from his. Her gaze drifted downward, and she was fascinated by the hard surface of his chest muscles against the softness of the water that surrounded them. Trying to catch her breath, she licked her lips, and guilt over kissing a potential source stung her sensible journalist self. It was a stalling tactic to gather her thoughts, although her only desire was to kiss him again.
“You’re not going to answer my question, are you?” she whispered. With half-lidded eyes, he slowly shook his head and kissed her again.
Tamara Lush is an award-winning journalist who first started writing in grade school, penning elaborate stories inspired by Raiders of the Lost Ark. After completing her undergraduate degree at Emerson College in Boston, she began her reporting career at a small, weekly newspaper in Massachusetts. Her work has appeared in The Village Voice, People Magazine, The St. Petersburg Times, The Boston Globe, USA Today and the Associated Press.
When Tamara isn’t writing or reading, she’s doing yoga, cooking for her Italian husband or chasing her dogs on a beach on Florida's Gulf Coast. She loves connecting with people on social media.
"Find out more about my novel, HOT SHADE: https://booklaunch.io/ tamaralush/hot-shade "
"Find out more about my novel, HOT SHADE: https://booklaunch.io/
Website: http://www.tamaralush.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TamaraLush
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/ tamlush/
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