Why #Write Short? Part 3 - Like Novellas or Novels?

Writing Short Part 3  -  Why write short? Novellas or Novels?

In the last posts on the subject of writing short, I talked about certain techniques of writing short -- the professional aspect of creating shorts to identify your story; promo blips, tag lines and log lines, long and short synopsis and blurbs, and if I haven't fully covered the art of condensing your words, thoughts, characters, and plots...I will. But today, I want to discuss WHY?

I realize long involved novels draw readers in, taking them to another place or adventure. Epic I-want-to-move-in-and-live-here novels are the stuff huge best sellers are made of. They are the ones we never want to put down.

BUT...there are also uses for shorts and novellas. Newspapers and magazine articles fulfill our needs for the short non-fiction information we don't get on 140 character social media sites, yet there's a dynamic market for short fiction, too. TRUE ROMANCE, TRUE CONFESSIONS and others are still around and selling. They may not be as convenient as choosing what you want when you want it off your iPhone, Android, Nook, or Kindle.

Now we have the ability to read short fiction in almost any genre we want, in any location, in novella or novel format, on our electronic readers. I don't have to read that AARP article in the doctor's office. I can read about a cute sci-fi romance in space or a sexy Valentine surprise while I'm waiting for the dentist. That's better than the material in their office that already makes my mouth hurt. Escape into fiction wherever you go.

The advantage of a short, satisfying lunch time read is the way you can reach that happily ever after before you head back to work. Read a good story and change your attitude. Have you noticed how short "The Chicken Soup for the Soul" stories are? There's a reason. Short, example-driven advice has more impact when it's delivered concisely. The stories are interesting, quick paced, and send a message. Poof - you're done and look up from the story with a new attitude or insight. The same can be said for any good fiction short.

Read my first post here Writing Short 1 and my second post here Writing Short 2

So download my new short today.  Tell your friends it is FREE in all  electronic formats at
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Expires: April 30, 2016 Please, leave a quick review so I know how you liked it.

And visit here to check out THE WRITE LIFE for freelance writing gigs.


  1. I love long, long novels, but I do read short stories when I travel or when I'm waiting somewhere. I don't mind being interrupted as much.

    1. Every length seems to serve a purpose. The secret of any satisfying read is developing the characters and plot to fit the length. I'm a huge fan of books too thick to hold open in my hands. LOL

  2. Awesome tips you mentioned here. I would like to share with you an article that shows some writing techniques, it's more about essay writing, but you can get some general ideas and use them for your future novel writing gigs.

    1. Thank you for the reference. Writer's Digest is one of my favorite reference blogs. And that particular article was interesting considering the analysis of Don Quixote.

  3. Writer's Digest is one of my favorite reference blogs database sql books And that particular article was interesting considering the analysis of Don Quixote.


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