The Insecure Writer's Support Group
It’s time for another edition of The Insecure Writer’s Support Group,founded by Ninja Captain, Alex J. Cavanaugh. Our awesome co-hosts for today are: JH Moncrieff, Madeline Mora-Summonte, Jen Chandler, Megan Morgan, and Heather Gardner!
Our Twitter is @TheIWSG and hashtag #IWSG
Optional June 7th Question: Did you ever say “I quit”? If so, what happened to make you come back to writing?
No, I never said, "I quit". Have I wanted to quit the endless promotions? The manuscript that just won't format? The scattered plot? The uncooperative characters? YES. But I can't. The stories keep calling me. Writing is where I go to escape Facebook and Twitter. Where I go when the world we live in is beyond dealing with. I struggle to twist the one I can control to my whim. It's security and what I love. It's a place where I can be myself.
It is indeed a place of safety.